/ juuli 21, 2024/ Meelelelahutus/ 0 kommentaari

Personaalselt minu jaoks üks maailma armsamaid lugusid, “The Day I Fall In Love”, millest veebipäevikus varemgi mitmel korral kirjutanud olen, tänaseks meie seast lahkunud James Ingrami ning kantrimuusika suurnime Dolly Partoni esituses.
Umbes nädalakene tagasi otsustas YouTube mulle pakkuda kuulamiseks nimetatud pala järjekordset versiooni. See on vaimustav. Tõepoolest ilus versioon.
Helistik ja lauljate esitus on võrreldes originaaliga tempokam, minu jaoks tundmatute esitajate hääletämbrid sobivad kokku samahästi kui Karl Madis oma suupilliga :funny: . Parem, kui Simon’i ja Jeanett’i esitus. Nii südantlõhestav lugu :cry: . Seda laulu kuulates on isegi vastu saamata armastus kaunis ja taevas on alati sinine.
Armastus on imeline, kui taevas on sinine :heart-blue: ! ↓


Just an ordinary day,
Started out the same old way.
Then I looked into your eyes and knew
Today would be
a first for me…
The day I fall in love

On the day I fall in love,
The sky will be a perfect blue.
And I’ll give my heart forever more
To someone who
is just like you.
The day I fall in love

People all say,
Love is wonderful.
That the bells will ring,
and birds will sing,
The skies will open.
I wonder where’s that great big symphony.
Roll over Beethoven,
Won’t you play with me?

And I’ll never promise to be true
to anyone
Unless it’s you
[Unless it’s you]
The day I fall in love.

People all say love is wonderful
[love is wonderful]
That bells will ring,
Birds will sing,
And skies will open.
I wonder where’s that great big symphony
I’ll be your Beethoven
Roll over, Beethoven
Come and play with me

Just an ordinary day,
Started out the same old way.
Then I looked into your eyes and knew
Today would be
A first for me
(A first for me)
The day I fall in love.

I know you’ll be there
Oh oh…
The day I fall in love.

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